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Strathalbyn Ladies Results


Charmaine Aplin wins on a countback.

On Wednesday 16th October, 9 ladies played a Stableford round of golf. Holidays, illness and other activities kept the numbers down. The weather proved to be very warm and muggy for the first time this season.
Charmaine Aplin and Cara Eastwood found the weather and course to their liking as both finished with 40 points. Great rounds, ladies. Penny Geue and Kerrie Edwards were not too far behind with 37, Jo Pickhaver 35, Ann Semple 33, Jenny Drury 32, Jo Cullen 31, and Pauline Walkom finished with 23 points.
Ann Semple won NTP with a great 2nd shot on the 17th green. Jo C had a birdie/gobbler on the 9th hole, Jo P had a gobbler on the 10th and Kerrie scored a birdie on the 14th hole.
Jo C, Ann and Jo P had tree trouble at times during their rounds, however, Charmaine was extremely pleased to get over the creek on both the 6th and 15th holes. Congrats, Charmaine.

On Sunday 13th October, Jenny Drury, Cara Eastwood, Kerrie Edwards and Jo Pickhaver played in the clubs Sunday Feast competition. They were happy with their result - 5th out of 14 teams. Jo P claimed the NTP and the long drive for the ladies.
On Friday 18th October, the Strathalbyn ladies hosted the Southern Zone Group of golf club representatives to a 9hole Stableford competition followed by a delicious lunch that had been prepared by Jo Cullen. They then had their AGM meeting to finalise the year and prepare for 2025.


Penny Geue wins Gold and Bronze.

Penny Geue arrived home from the Transplant Games in Canberra with a gold and bronze medal around her neck. Congratulations on winning gold in golf and bronze in pétanque. We are all very proud of you.

On Wednesday 9th October, with the Winter season ending, the 13 ladies who came out on a perfect golfing day played a 12hole Ambrose competition in teams of 3 or four. The winners on the day were Mel Johnson, Cara Eastwood and Sue Pryor 38.17, followed by Charmaine Aplin, Pauline Walkom, Sue Phillips and Jenny Drury with 39.88. Next came Ann Semple, Christine Ciavatta and Jo Pickhaver with 40.17 with Jo Cullen, Penny Geue and Maureen Need finishing with 43.67. A koala was sighted very high in a gum on the 2nd hole was the highlight of the day for one group. No-one in the dam or creek as the ladies didn’t play those holes today. Phew!!!

NTP on the 9th hole was won by Penny with a very nice drive on the Par 3.
The ladies held a sub committee meeting followed by a scrumptious shared lunch with a birthday cake for Marie Kingsbury.


A win for Cara Eastwood in Medal of Medallists Final

On Wednesday 2nd October, 12ladies played a Stroke round that included a Putting competition. It was also the final of the Medal of medallists that has been played monthly from the beginning of the winter season. Only 5 of the winners were able to play and the results were tight at the top. Three players finished with 71 nett with Cara Eastwood winning from Mel Johnson who finished 2nd with Jo Pickhaver coming in 3rd. Carol Pelle finished with 78 and Pauline Walkom had 86 nett.
The other players finished with Jo Cullen on top with 71, Di Krutli 76, Tonya Merritt 76, Jenny Drury 79, Kerrie Edwards 80, Maureen Need 81 and Ann Semple 85.

The Putting results saw Kerrie finish with 26, Di 28, Jo P. and Tonya 30, Jenny and Jo C. 31, Carol and Mel 32, Cara 33, Pauline 35, Ann 38 and Maureen 39.
NTP on the 9th hole was won by Di Krutli as she finished right on the edge of the green and no-one could better it. Cara had a gobbler (chip in) on the 13th, Kerrie had a gobbler/birdie on the 8th and Jo C. had a birdie on the 8th.
One story from the day was that Kerrie hit nearly every tree on the course but blitzed her chips and putts to make up for the trouble off the tee. The ladies had perfect weather for golf, and this showed in some of the scores. There was a nice run on the fairways and thank you goes to the volunteers who groom the course so beautifully.

On Friday 4th October, Di and Kerrie headed to Victor Harbor where they enjoyed a lovely day of weather, company, nature and food including yummy champers and scones on the 10th hole. There were moments of pleasure and pain with occasional good golf from the Strath gals. Congratulations to Kerrie who won NTP on the tricky Par 3 3rd hole. They were honoured to play with Tonya from the Glenelg Golf Club who had won the previous 2 days Ladies Classic competition.
The club would like to acknowledge Penny Geue who this week played golf and table tennis at the Transplant games in Canberra. All the best, Penny. Enjoy!!


A busy time for Strath Ladies.

The ladies from Strath have ventured far and wide in the pursuit of a game of golf.
Wind…Rain… Sunshine greeted five girls, Dawne Thomas, Mandy Vardon, Jo Cullen, Charmaine Aplin and Mel Johnson at the Willunga Ladies Gala Day on Friday 20th September. It was an anxious start to the day for Charmaine. She allowed herself plenty of time to unload her cart and prepare for golf, but her cart did not want any part of it. She was able to start it but could not engage it to get it off the trailer. After some hasty phone calls to Macca and much advice from friends, finally said cart came off the trailer and got going. The course was presented beautifully, and all the girls were challenged by the enormous greens, with three and sometimes four putts quite common!! However, Dawne managed the best of our lot and scored 30 points to get herself a prize. Mandy had some luck with the raffle. After lunch and a social drink, a couple of our girls were loaded and ready for home, but the car next to them had her bonnet up and was desperately looking to borrow some jumper leads. Good Samaritan Mel rummaged around in her wagon and found a battery booster and finally got the car going. And so, another eventful day at golf!!

Wednesday 25th September dawned fine and so 11 ladies headed out to the Strathalbyn course to play a Par round. It was great to welcome back Jenny Drury from her time away gallivanting around Western Australia. As the day progressed from good golfing weather to drizzly, rainy and dismal conditions, the ladies were glad to finish and get into the clubrooms. Kerrie Edwards squared her round to win the day followed by Penny Geue and Jo Cullen -1. Jo Pickhaver, Tonya Merritt and Dawne Thomas had -2, Charmaine Aplin -4, Pauline Walkom and Di Krutli both on -5, Jenny Drury -10 and Maureen Need -11. NTP winner with her second shot on the 17th hole was Penny Geue while Maureen’s highlight was a gobbler (chip in) on the 16th hole. Let’s hope for finer weather next week.

It was a very early start for Di Krutli, Penny Geue, Ann Semple, and Jo Cullen on Thursday 26th September as they visited West Lakes Golf Ladies Day for an 8am start!!! However, they were rewarded with a beautiful Spring day of sunshine and a course that was in perfect condition. Even the enormous bunkers looked fabulous, but they provided many headaches for the girls!! All enjoyed the challenge of the course with its various undulations and other inconveniently placed hazards, but they were mostly happy with their games. Lunch was delicious and then time for the raffle draw with Jo C and Di both winning great prizes and Ann collecting the lucky table draw. So back to Strathalbyn next Wednesday where hopefully they will enjoy a bunker free day of golf.


A win for Jo Pickhaver

On Wednesday 18th September, 10 ladies headed out to the Strathalbyn Golf Course to play a Stableford round on yet another windy day!! 
Jo Pickhaver won the day with 37 points, just ahead of Di Krutli on 36. Kerrie Edwards scored 34 and Carol Pelle 33. They were followed by Charmaine Aplin 29, Jo Cullen on a countback from Marie Kingsbury both 27, Mel Johnson 25, Ann Semple 24 and Christine Ciavatta finished with 11 points.
NTP winner for her drive on the 9th hole was Kerrie and she also had a gobbler (chip in) on the 4th hole. Di Krutli scored 2 gobblers on the 5th and 10th holes.

Christine found tree enemies as the ball often bounced from the branches to very difficult positions near the base of the trees. That added extra shots for her. Marie put 2 balls in the dam, on the 7th and 16th holes. One was retrieved but the other lost.
Kerrie found ‘a god awful’ hole in a tree on the 2nd hole. An extra shot needed to continue.
Let’s hope for calmer weather next week for the Par competition.


Dawne Thomas wins the Laurel Wreath.

On Wednesday 11th September, Dawne Thomas and Pauline Walkom played the final of the Laurel Wreath competition. The match was fiercely fought all the way to the 18th hole with Dawne winning on that hole. Congratulations, Dawne.
The other 12 ladies played a Stableford competition in weather that was much nicer than the last few weeks. It was not as windy, but still a little drizzly at times and cool. Mel Johnson won the day with 37 points. Marie Kingsbury and Penny Geue followed with 34, while Cara Eastwood and Tonya Merritt both scored 33. Charmaine Aplin finished with 30 and 29 points was scored by Di Krutli, Jo Cullen and Jo Pickhaver. Kerrie Edwards had 28, Maureen Need 22 and Christine Ciavatta 14.
NTP winner was Penny Geue while Jo P had a birdie on the 8th hole as well as having some tree trouble on other holes. Jo C found the gobblebush on the 16th and had to hunt for her ball.

Some of the ladies have had a busy week with Di, Mel and Jo P representing the club at Glenelg on Monday 9th September. The competition was called the Rhonda Watson Brooch. The three were happy with their play but no prizes came their way.

On Friday 13th September, Jo C, Di, Kerrie and Jo P travelled to Burra to play in the Burra Open. Di Krutli played very well and came 3rd in ‘A’ Grade. Kerrie won $30 with a lucky number prize and a raffle prize. The weather was perfect for golf and the course was good. Di Krutli stayed on the fairways, and it certainly was the way to go. Chipping and putting provide heartache for Jo P. Jo C. and Kerrie were happy with their game although Kerrie felt she had too many putts.  


Jo Pickhaver wins the day.

On Wednesday, 4th September, 13 ladies played a Stroke and Putting round. The day also included the Monthly Medal and Mc Bain competitions. The weather was kind to the ladies with the cool breeze that greeted them calmed down after a few holes.
Jo Pickhaver won the day with 71 nett followed closely by Kerrie Edwards with 72. Not too far behind were Pauline Walkom and Cara Eastwood both finished with 73. Next came Carol Pelle with 77 with Ann Semple and Di Krutli both scoring 78. Jo Cullen finished with 79 and Charmaine Aplin 83.
Jo P also claimed the putting prize for the day with 27 putts with Pauline finishing with 28. Marie Kingsbury had 29, Kerrie 30, Jo Cullen 33 and Carol and Di had 35 each.
NTP winner for the day with her good drive on the 9th hole was Jo Cullen. Maureen Need had a gobbler (chip in) on the 2nd hole and Jo C. had one on the 14th hole. Di scored a birdie on the 8th and Kerrie had one on the 16th hole.
Carol Pelle hit her tee shot on the 8th hole into the sign on the 17th hole in front. It did a right-hand turn and finished very close to the 4th green!! Maureen lost 5 balls on the course – an expensive day for her. It was lovely to see Christine Ciavatta back after her holidays. The trees were kind to her.
On Friday 6th September 7 ladies represented the club at the Murray Bridge Open Day. They had a variety of days out – some quite happy while others knew they could play better. In the ‘B’ Grade comp. Mel Johnson came 5th. In the ‘C’ Grade competition Helen Lyons came 3rd and Charmaine Aplin came 5th. Charmaine also won the ‘C’ Grade NTP with a fabulous drive that finished about 30cm from the hole. Penny Geue and Jo Pickhaver won raffle prizes.